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Book Vancouver Vacation Packages

Tucked between huge mountains and the Strait of Georgia, Vancouver is a bustling resort town counted among the most liveable cities in the world. Visit city's historical buildings, museum like the Museum of Anthropology and BC Sports Hall of Fame and Museum and shopping hotspots like Robson Street and Yaletown.

Book a Romantic Getaway in Vancouver

• Vancouver is a Romantic city and one of the tenderest things to do with your date is to take a ride of a horse drawn carriage. Book your private carriage and take a tour around the Stanley Park.

• Make way to the Stanley Parks third beach and see the best sunset with your date, hand in hand.. Alternatively, you can take up couple cooking classes, skating and a boat ride.

Make a Last Minute Getaway to Vancouver

• Vancouver plays host to one of the most impressive festival in the world, the Vancouver International Jazz Festival. Jazz aficionados can plan for a last minute getaway to this festival and see their favorite artists perform.

• Each year in the month of May, Vancouver takes a healthy run of about 42 kilometers. The annual Vancouver Marathon attracts participants and spectators from the neighboring countries and offers elite treatment to the winner.

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Seattle from Vegas

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Flight to San Juan

Easy check in flight was great. Communications were excellent with CheapOair - Janet  Mar 18, 2025