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Book Prince George Vacation Packages

Prince George (YXS) is the traditional home of the Carrier-Sekani and Lheidli-T'enneh First Nations peoples; Prince George is known as the Gateway to, and the Capital of, Northern British Columbia. Hungry visitors will find a variety of restaurants from fast food to fine dining, and overnight guests can choose from anything between quaint B&B's and well-appointed four-star hotels.

Eat and Drink in Prince George

Cariboo Steak and Seafood, Known for hosting family celebrations. Specializing in steak and seafood plus a variety of other dishes, you can also choose from a choice of appetizers or full salad bar at the Cariboo.

Located north of the city in the Hart, the Alpine Pub offers a welcoming, cozy atmosphere. Take a seat on the quiet patio or rack up a game of pool to pass the afternoon.

Fun with family in Prince George

Take the kids to The Exploration Place at Fort George Park, a nationally recognized science centre and home of the SimEx Virtual Voyages Adventure Theatre. Then go over and let them play in the wave pool at the Aquatic Centre.

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