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Book Dayton Vacation Packages

Whether you are looking for museums, live performance venues or recreation opportunities, Dayton ensures that you get plenty of what you are looking for. Art lovers should start their trip with the Dayton Institute of Arts and then head to the Dayton Opera to watch an entertaining musical. Don't forget to explore the aviation history of this city at the 'National Museum of the US Air Force'.

Make a Last Minute Getaway to Dayton

• Enlighten your artistic side with a visit to the Dayton Arts Institute which is committed towards enriching the lives of individuals with outstanding art. The collection here would simply mesmerize you.

• Visit the 'Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historic Park' which was the site of the Wright Cycle Company. The park contains many historic structures related to the businesses of Wright Brothers and is a must visit for everyone.

Plan for Fun with the Family in Dayton

• Nothing can be more entertaining and exciting than watching a Broadway musical at the 'Benjamin and Marian Performing Arts Center'.

• If you are looking for fun with the family, then head to the 'Garden Station' which hosts all the music and art festivals in the city. The park also contains many rare sculptures and murals for art lovers.

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Made it easy by CheapOair! - Anonymous  Mar 05, 2025