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Book Charleston Vacation Packages

Captured during the Civil War, Charleston is home to some of the most popular historic attractions in US. Add to this fact the city's beautiful beaches and parks, and you have the recipe for an entertaining tourist destination. Battery Gardens, Liberty Square and Folly Beach are some of the most popular attractions that you can't afford to miss in Charleston.

Make a Last Minute Getaway to Charleston

• Want to explore ancient architecture? Visit the 'Battery and White Point Gardens' which features many historic mansions. Take a tour of these mansions and enjoy the attention to detail.

• Enlighten yourself about the history of Charleston by visiting the Charleston Museum which features many rare artifacts related to the art, culture and history of the city.

Plan for Fun with the Family in Charleston

• For fun-filled time with your family, head to the Folly Beach which is a popular draw among the tourists. Whether you want to swim, surf or taste delicious seafood, the choice is yours.

• Upscale shopping, delicious dining and magical atmosphere define the neighborhood of downtown. If you have the money, this is certainly the place to go.

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Made it easy by CheapOair! - Anonymous  Mar 05, 2025