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Book Burbank Vacation Packages

Dubbed as the Media Capital of the World, Burbank is blessed with a beautiful weather and serves as an excellent vacation destination in Southern California. Make this trip a memorable one by taking your kids to the Disneyland or a drive in the Beverly Hills. Visit gardens like the Picwick Gardens, take a tour of the NBC Studios and grab a burger at the Bob's Big Boy.

Plan for Fun with the Family in Burbank

• With a fairly respectable amount of games and rides, the Burbank All Amusement Fun Centre is a great place to spend time with your family in Burbank. This place is loved by children and adults alike and brings you back to your childhood.

• Take up a tour of the Warner Brother Studios with your family and get to see the sets of your favorite childhood shows.

Burbank for Outdoor Enthusiasts

• If you are looking for some outdoor fun in Burbank, head to Hollywood and who knows you might get a chance to catch your favorite celebrity.

• If you enjoy being outdoors, Burbank is a great place for you. The city is home to some amazing parks, hiking trails and bicycle paths. The Wild Canyon Park and the Verdugo Park are two the best parks found in the city.

CheapOair Customer Reviews

Great DC Trip

My recent trip to DC was a combination of business (advocacy) and pleasure, having fun with colleagues and friends. The ease of booking my flights, the great price, the hotel and everything about this trip was fantastic. I only use CheapOair to book my flights now, and it is so easy and the prices are great! - Phyliss  Mar 08, 2025

Nice trip!

Made it easy by CheapOair! - Anonymous  Mar 05, 2025