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Cheap Hotels in Atlantic City (AIY)

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Facts About Hotels in Atlantic City, New Jersey

  • Around 63% of travelers book their Atlantic City trip upto 10 days in advance.
  • People Usually spend 2 nights in Atlantic City
  • 4% of the travelers visit Atlantic City to enjoy the local cuisine.
  • 52% of travelers who visit Atlantic City are female.
All hotels facts are based on last 3 months' data except the highest and lowest booking months that are based on last 3 months' data.

Book a Hotel in Atlantic City, New Jersey

Known as Las Vegas of the East, Atlantic City packs an exciting blend of world class casinos, beautiful beaches and lavish hotels. Families planning a vacation in the city should book their accommodation on the Boardwalk Avenue which offers luxurious resorts on one side and budget friendly hotels on the other, taking care of everyone's needs.

Top Dining Restaurants in Atlantic City

Enjoy outstanding views of the ocean along with delicious seafood at the One Atlantic Restaurant which is a paradise for the culinary enthusiasts. The scenic location of the restaurant is often used by event planners for high profile extravaganzas.

Izakaya is a trendy Japanese restaurant that serves delicious sushi and robatayaki to tantalize your taste buds. Don't miss the flavor of amazing cocktails that are served at the restaurant.

Where to Shop in Atlantic City

The four mile long stretch of Atlantic City Boardwalk is surely a treat for the shopaholics, offering everything from delicious cookies, souvenirs to antiques.

For those who cherish upscale brands like Louis Vuitton and Gucci, head to the Pier Shops Mall which is decorated with some of the biggest clothing brands in the city.

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