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- Bowling Green Flights
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Points of Interest in Bowling Green
A city in the Warren County in the US state of Kentucky, Bowling Green is a large city that still boasts the charm of a small southern town. The city is an excellent place to visit for history lovers as it is home to a number of museums such as Barreen River Imaginative Museum of Science, Kentucky Museum and Library, National Corvett Museum, Historic Railpark and Train Museum, and Riverview at Hobson Grove. Bowling Green is also home to a plethora of beautiful parks apt to visit with family.
National Corvette Museum
An excellent place to visit for car buffs, National Corvette Museum displays the Chevrolet Corvette, which is an American sports car that has been in production since the year 1953. The museum is located off interstate 65's exit 28. National Corvette Museum also sponsors the Corvette Hall of Fame for people who have been involved with the Corvette automobile and have played vital role in their respective fields.
Historic Railpark and Train Museum
Formerly the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Station, Historic Railpark and Train Museum is located in the historic railroad station. The building in which the museum is located is placed in the national register of Historic places in 1979. The museum is home to Show Modular Model Railroad Club's permanent model railroad exhibit.
Riverview at Hobson Grove
Also known as Riverview or Hobson House, Riverview at Hobson Grove is a historic home boasting classic Italianate architecture.. The house is restored as representative of the Victorian Period. Riverview at Hobson Grove played a part in Civil War in the region and was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1972.
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