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Book Medellin Vacation Packages

Art, sports, entertainment or history, no matter what you are looking for, you'll get it in Medellin. While Arvi Park is the most famous destination among the adventure lovers, art lovers should not miss a date with the Botero Art Museum. Don't forget to get a taste of the city's nightlife on the Carabobo Street.

Make a Last Minute Getaway to Medellin

• Art lovers should head to the Botero Art Museum which features works of famous artists like Fernando Botero and Pedro Nel Gomez.

• Plan a trip to the Botanical Gardens which is spread across an area of more than 40 acres and features rare flora and fauna. Travelers can also enjoy activities like rowing and canoeing in the garden.

Plan for Fun with the Family in Medellin

• Parque Explora is the perfect destination for families. Whether you want to explore rare marine life at the aquarium, watch a 3D movie on dinosaurs or taste delicious food, everything is possible here.

• Take your kids to the Medellin Zoo which is home to more than 1,000 animals including rare and endangered wildlife.

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