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Book Dubrovnik Vacation Packages

Heading to one of the attractive beaches is the best thing to do during hot summer days in Dubrovnik. The green Mediterranean landscapes, the azure depths of the Adriatic, White Sea cliffs, are a part of the heritage which the visitors discover in Dubrovnik and its surroundings.

Save money in Dubrovnik

Save money by walking around the city to explore more of it than by renting a car or a tourist bus.

Eat and Drink in Dubrovnik

The most popular hard alcohol in Croatia is homemade rakija. This is a very strong distilled drink made from a variety of fruits. There are many excellent local wines from both the Peljesac Peninsula and Konavle and it is often less expensive than soft dr

Restaurant Konavoka is a cozy family restaurant located on peninsula Lapad with a long and rich gastronomic tradition in Dubrovnik. Wanda Mediterranean cuisine invites you to experience a new standard of culinary excellence by celebrated Hollywood chefs.

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