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Cheap Hotels in Manaus (MAO)

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Facts About Hotels in Manaus, Brazil

  • Around 50% of travelers book their Manaus trip upto 10 days in advance.
  • People Usually spend 3 nights in Manaus
  • 50% of the travelers visit Manaus to enjoy the local cuisine.
  • 29% of travelers who visit Manaus are female.
All hotels facts are based on last 3 months' data except the highest and lowest booking months that are based on last 3 months' data.

Book Cheap Hotels in Manaus, Brazil

The most luxurious hotels in Amazonas - Brazil, the Tropical Manaus (MAO) is located in the heart of the Amazon Forest, on the banks of the Rio Negro. Perfect for an adventurous vacation, either alone, accompanied or with the family. For a family ecological experience, the Manaus offers 7 generous and different room size accommodations with contemporary and colonial Décor.

Where to shop in Manaus

Amazon ecoshop is a small store with art, jewelry and other gift items. This gift shop specializes in high-end crafts, artwork, and furniture made with local woods and seeds.

Artesanato da Amazonia is located across from the Opera House; this large souvenir shop offers a good selection of native arts and crafts, such as baskets, pottery, jewelry, and bags, as well as the usual T-shirts.

How to get around in Manaus

The three local public transports that can be used to hover around Manaus are Cab, Bus and Taxi. If you can, rent a car, but be ready for the crazy driving!

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