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Cheap Hotels in Guadalajara (GDL)

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Facts About Hotels in Guadalajara, Mexico

  • Around 75% of travelers book their Guadalajara trip upto 10 days in advance.
  • People Usually spend 2 nights in Guadalajara
  • 47% of the travelers visit Guadalajara to enjoy the local cuisine.
  • 5% of travelers bring their kids along to Guadalajara.
  • 44% of travelers who visit Guadalajara are female.
All hotels facts are based on last 3 months' data except the highest and lowest booking months that are based on last 3 months' data.

Book Cheap Hotels in Guadalajara, Mexico

Guadalajara has tons to do, so if you're looking for a hotel close to all the action, then make a reservation near the Centro Historico at hotels like the Holiday Inn Centro Historico and the Hotel de Mendoza. To experience upscale Guadalajara (GDL) comfort and luxury at its best, the Quinta Real is exclusively unbeatable.

Where to Shop in Guadalajara

Love the teal and orange hues characteristic of Mexican art? Visit the bustling Tlaquepaque's Old Town District for authentic Mexican arts and crafts.

Plaza Andares, is a home away from home with stores like DKNY, Louis Vuitton, Calvin Klein, Armani and Dior, and is a favorite among shoppers.

After dark in Guadalajara

Salón Tenampa, open til 3 a.m., offers great Mexican food, and even better tequila shots. There is an extensive selection of drinks and music, (that's right; you can order songs) to order all night long.

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